Home of escape room enthusiasts and the largest database of massive escape game discounts

We have finished our first round of building up our collection ofescape games finding 1040 games around the world and decided to share what we have learned. Please check out our infographic for interesting facts.

Escape-rooms.com is a brand new project aiming to create and maintain the most complex database of real life escape rooms around the globe. During our first wave of researches, we have managed to find 1040 escape game venues worth mentioning and given a unique page for each of them.

Collecting all the data was not a short process, but at least now we have the opportunity to share what we have learned about the booming industry of real life escape rooms. For beginners, we have put together an article about what an escape game is. Now, we would like to share the most interesting facts that we have collected so far about the world’s escape game places. To make it even more interesting, we have created an infographic about our facts. Explanation can be read below the image!

Infographic about the escape rooms of the world

As we have already mentioned in the beginning of the article you can visit at least 1040 escape game venues around the world, and guess what, the USA has the most. We listed 243 places where you can go play the escape room game. It came as no surprise that a neighboring northern neighbor of the United States is second on the list. Escape games are very popular in Canada and they have more than 92 locations in 31 cities where you can join forces with others to solve the puzzles. The United Kingdom is in the lead in Europe with its 66 individual pages on escape-rooms.com. The UK is followed bythe Netherlands with 45 and Hungary with 37 venues.

What do these places offer?

We have found that 30% of the stories is about escaping from an unpleasant place, in most cases from a dungeon or a prison. The second favorite according to our research is just simply escaping without any story or comment (16%). In the eyes of the escape room designers the third in popularity is engaging with the supernatural (8%). Spy and kidnapping themed rooms are popular as well, they either require solving a murder or defusing an explosive.

While searching the globe, we have found escape rooms in more than 619 cities. Wherever you travel chances are you will bump into an exit game. The venues show great diversity in different countries and regions.

While worldwide the average price of a game per person is around $28, in Chennai, India, you can join a party for $4 at Free India. The highest price to pay at an exit game venue in our list was $41 per person, in the deserted Dubai, UAE at Escape Quest.

Europe is the leader

The fact that in Europe there are 3 times more escape rooms than on the American and Asian continents proves its popularity. The most interesting thing about the project for us was when we realized that the density (escape room/population) of escape room venues is significantly the highest in some European countries like Cyprus, Estonia, Hungary and the Netherlands. We concluded that escape games are real attractions for tourist in these cities.

Nevertheless, we are more than happy to claim that we have managed to collect all the world’s escape rooms in one place. You can browse with the help of our cool map or just searching the list of places according to some criteria like which ones are the closest to you.

Did you like this article and would like to try an escape game? Here are some tips for beginners, which helps you to beat the game quicker and make the whole game more fun!

(If you would like to share our numbers or our infographic, please do it by citing the source.)

Last updated: 01/07/2017